With the impending sunsetting of the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures, understanding the housing markets we serve is important to our clients.   California and Colorado are both ranked among the Top 5 states in reducing the percentage of mortgages which are non-performing.  Additionally, Colorado is ranked in the Bottom 5 of non-performing mortgages.  This data indicates that both California and Colorado are performing well as states and will exit the COVID pandemic in a stronger position than many other states.  This is not surprising as we are seeing the migration of people as they move to areas where they want to live versus where they work.  The mantra “Live where you want…Not where you work” has never been truer.  Real Simple Housing’s program agents in California, Colorado and Wyoming are supporting our clients as they relocate to where they want to live.  Take a look at our program offerings for clients relocating to Colorado and Wyoming.

Colorado:  https://realsimplehousing.com/multi-state-relocation-program-to-colorado/

Wyoming:  https://realsimplehousing.com/wyoming-relocation-program/


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